Welcome to My Blog!
Welcome to my blog, Freedom Through FI. My name is T.K. Schiefer. I am a husband, a father, a neurosurgeon, and now a personal finance blogger.
As you may already know, FI stands for Financial Independence. But what exactly is financial independence? Basically, FI is when the income generated by your assets (money you have already earned and invested) is greater than your expenses. When you reach this point in your financial life, it essentially means you no longer have to work for money . . . you are financially independent! When that amazing day comes, it brings with it freedom:
- Freedom to pursue whatever it is you are passionate about
- Freedom to stop trading your time and energy for money
- Freedom to quit your current job if you don’t love it
- Freedom to keep your current job if you do love it, but now you are working for your own satisfaction and fulfillment, not for money
- Freedom to work at a job you’ve always wanted, but it wasn’t an option before because it pays less
- Freedom to work part time if you want to cut back
- Freedom to spend more time with family/friends
- Freedom to travel the world
- Freedom to pursue new hobbies and interests
- Freedom to serve others through your church or charity
- Freedom from worrying about retirement
- Freedom from stressing about money ever again!
If finding this kind of freedom is something you seek, then you have come to the right place. By reading and implementing the strategies in this blog, you will be well on your way to Freedom through FI.
It is not only the destination of FI that brings an increase in freedom, but the journey itself!
But you may say to yourself, “I am not even close to FI, in fact I am in debt and my financial life is a mess. I will never find that kind of freedom.” Well, let me share with you an amazing truth I have discovered on my own path to FI: it is not only the destination of FI that brings an increase in freedom, but the journey itself!
As you begin working towards FI you will increase your financial literacy, free yourself from the shackles of debt, increase your savings rate, and learn how to invest your money so it makes money for you (even while you are sleeping!). I have found that just knowing something like FI exists and working toward that goal brings freedom. It gives you hope for your future and helps you get through the day to day grind.
So, if this sounds like something that interests you and could improve the quality of your life, then please read my next post: Why Should You Read My Blog?

Hi uncle T.K.! My mom pointed me over to your blog when I was asking her about Roth IRA’s and Index funds haha, just wanted to say you have a beautiful site and I was thrilled to find it! Hope you are all well 🙂